Name |
Emmasexy |
Escort Type |
Independent |
Age |
23 |
Height |
180 |
Weight |
50 |
Measurements |
32E-22-34 |
Clients Served |
Men/women |
Rate |
300 USD hour |
Availability |
Incalls |
Location |
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates |
Phone |
+971581867740 |
Email |
click to send email |
My service
Anal Sex, BDSM, CIM - Come In Mouth, COB - Come On Body, Couples, Deep throat, Domination, Face sitting, Fingering, Fisting, Foot fetish, French kissing, GFE, Giving hardsports, Receiving hardsports, Lap dancing, Massage, Nuru massage, Oral sex - blowjob, OWO - Oral without condom, Parties, Reverse oral, Giving rimming, Rimming receiving, Role play, Sex toys, Spanking, Strapon, Striptease, Submissive, Squirting, Tantric massage, Teabagging, Tie and tease, Uniforms, Giving watersports, Receiving watersports and Webcam sex